Yearbook of Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development
For more information about the series see:
Volume 1:
Lum, Chee Hoo; Wagner, Ernst (Eds.) (2019): Arts Education and Cultural Diversity. Policies, Research, Practices and Critical Perspectives. Springer: Singapore. |
Volume 2:
Bolden, Benjamin; Jeanneret, Neryl (Eds.) (2021): Visions of Sustainability for Arts Education. Value, Challenge and Potential. Springer: Singapore. |
Volume 3:
Jörissen, Benjamin; Unterberg, Lisa; Klepacki, Tanja (Eds.) (2023): Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education. International Perspectives on the Aesthetics of Transformation. Springer: Singapore. |
International Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education
UNITWIN Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development is permanently represented by its current Chair person in the Editorial Board of the newly established, open access Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education (IJRCAAE). The peer-reviewed international Journal, published by Waxmann, is funded and edited by the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. It “aims to stimulate and disseminate research in arts and cultural education. Inspired by the UNESCO Goals for the Development of Arts Education (Seoul Agenda) the journal serves as a platform for a global polylogue of researchers in cultural, aesthetic, and arts education, interconnecting its wide-spread research fields by focusing on various aspects of cultural and social transformation and the contributions of cultural, aesthetic, and arts education toward global challenges, such as sustainability and resilience, heritage and transformation, digitalization and global citizenship, diversity and inclusion.” |
>> More information! >> Submission of Contributions!
Current CfPs:
Published Issues
Issue #1 – Excerpt from the editorial
“This first issue of the IJRCAAE gathers renowned scholars and researchers in the fields of CAAE to present the range of topics that this platform intends to address and discuss in the coming years. Our position in the research landscape – alongside many excellent research journals in the field that we hold in high esteem – derives from the following agenda: Firstly, the IJRCAAE is a journal that aims to systematically transcend established genre boundaries and approaches in CAAE, to assemble and contextualize its diverse aesthetics. Secondly, it focuses on the question of what contributions CAAE can make – across its fields (formal, non-formal, informal) and across its diverse understandings of culture, aesthetics, arts, and education – to the transformative tasks and challenges of our present” (Jörissen 2023, p. 4).