With the upcoming UNESCO World Conference for Culture and Arts Education upon the horizon, we are pleased to announce that our UNITWIN Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development has been re-approved by UNESCO Paris and that the corresponding agreement will stay valid until 30 June 2026.
The chair(wo)manship of Neryl Jeannert (University of Melbourne, Australia) has hereby been passed on to Benjamin Jörissen (UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education, Germany) for an initial period of (at least) two years. Our warmest gratitude goes to Neryl, who was largely responsible for the reappropriation and who in recent years has steered the fortunes of our network with a great deal of energy and commitment even out of her well-deserved retirement. Thank you so much, Neryl!
The Team of the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education is very much looking forward to the upcoming tasks and challenges. As a network, we believe that the reauthorization comes at just the right time when it comes to the elaboration of a new UNESCO framework for Culture and Arts Education. Starting with the Multistakeholder Dialogue in Paris (25-26/5/2023), we will continue the transnational polylogue and start to develop our network to a truly planetary level.
With the upcoming UNESCO World Conference for Culture and Arts Education upon the horizon, we are pleased to announce that our UNITWIN Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development has been re-approved by UNESCO Paris and that the corresponding agreement will stay valid until 30 June 2026.
The chair(wo)manship of Neryl Jeannert (University of Melbourne, Australia) has hereby been passed on to Benjamin Jörissen (UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education, Germany) for an initial period of (at least) two years. Our warmest gratitude goes to Neryl, who was largely responsible for the reappropriation and who in recent years has steered the fortunes of our network with a great deal of energy and commitment even out of her well-deserved retirement. Thank you so much, Neryl!
The Team of the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education is very much looking forward to the upcoming tasks and challenges. As a network, we believe that the reauthorization comes at just the right time when it comes to the elaboration of a new UNESCO framework for Culture and Arts Education. Starting with the Multistakeholder Dialogue in Paris (25-26/5/2023), we will continue the transnational polylogue and start to develop our network to a truly planetary level.